Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Discover Your Best!!!

I've taken some time to think about what I want to do with my life and the time that I have to do those things in. Sometimes I feel that "If I didn't work, I could get so much done!" and other times I feel "If I could just work harder, I could get so much done!" Perfectionism in ourselves is a big problem. First, we must understand that we are not perfect but imperfect and within that imperfection there is something we are perfectly made for... I was made to serve GOD.

With every phase in life come opportunities that are presented: Recently I met this lady Sheila at a Job Fair I was working. She spoke to me about her kids (fighting in the war), her family, her life and what she was doing to make it better. After we spoke we introduced ourselves to each other. I had a great feeling about her and I think the feeling was mutual. She spoke to me about BeautiControl and how it was helping her to be free.

Michael, of course, was a skeptic and wanted to know more. We visited Sheila at a booth she was hosting at a local Women's Health Fair. We spoke to Sheila and her husband and we learned that they are Christian. What awesome news!! It's really encouraging when biblical advise is given, unsolicited. Needless to say I bought into this idea of BeautiControl and Spa Escape and I signed up as an Independant Beauty Consultant. God willing this adventure will allow me to showcase my imperfection and BeautiControl it, while reaching people for Christ.

So to all you out there in blogville, never forget who you serve (God) and always surround yourself with greatness and sow those seeds every way that you can.

If you want to learn more about BeautiControl or if you want to experience a Spa Escape, get some friends together, call me and I'll be there.

"In our imperfection lies what we were perfectly made for"

And always remember "Everything tastes better with Frijoles on the side."

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