Friday, January 04, 2013

Prayer Works

For the past few months lots and lots of people have been praying for me and my family. You see as the days get closer to my first surgery the nerves start to creep in. Not because I don't faith because that I AM SURE i have, but because my skin is anxious for it to be over. The greatest thing that this has shown me is that God is here with me through it all - he has given me life three times. He gave me life when he spoke my name and gave me renewed life when he called me to baptism and now he has cured me of disease. Prayer works I prayed for his presence and mercy and has presented with this unexpected predicament throu the most Godly way that he answered my prayer. I have always prayed to be strong like Ruth and deep down I've always wanted to be like her to save a nation and you know what - God granted my prayer. Through this trial that he has placed in my life I have learned to hold HIS hand real tight and to proclaim HIS victory over me. I have lost the fear of speaking of HIM to anyone, I have shared My Story with complete strangers and given HIM all the glory. Those that know me have seen the strength that only God can give in me and they have commented that I am a great example of HIS work and that this will become a great testament for me and HIM. Like Esther I am saving a nation in God's own way, I'm a testament to my family, friends, doctors, acquaintances and to anyone that will listen. I will led HIS people to freedom and into HIS arms. I proclaim that in Jesus Name many will be saved by my story and the great impact I will make in this world. So when you feel like another prayer won't help or won't do anything. Get on your knees and pray because the answer will come on HIS timing not yours and when it DOES come it will be a greater blessing that anything you ever imagined. I love my God and always will. Your very humble and faithful sister in Christ - Connie.

Have a blessed day and remember no matter how small your problem or issue may be, pray about it because to God everything is smaller than him!!!

If you want me to pray for you please follow this link: PRAYER REQUEST

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