Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Before I was conceived HE knew me...

Before I even formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew all about you. Before you drew your first breath, I had already chosen you to be My prophet to speak My word to the nations.  ---Jeremiah 1:5 (The Voice)
WOW!! The Lord of Lords knew me before I was conceived. Before I took my first breath he had already written my destiny. To be HIS prophet, to spread HIS word. WOW!!

As we prepare our hearts for Easter and the GREATEST NEWS OF ALL TIME it is good to pause and look back. They say hindsight is 20/20 – never did I understand that more than I understand it today. Of course where you are going is unnerving and blurry, because you have never been there. Where you have been is clear as day, because it’s where you came from.

Have you taken a step back to reflect where you came from and imagine where you are going? Or are you too busy planning for the future to learn from the past?

It is true there is no point in dwelling on the past because you cannot change it but when you lay the pieces of your life before you, you can see the beautiful path that GOD laid down for you BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN CONCEIVED.

Take a look back in time when Jesus prayed the night that he was betrayed. The disciples worried and were burdened by the news of the plan that GOD laid down for Jesus. They were willing to fight with the men who came to take Jesus away. They were ready to change those plans that GOD had made. Can you imagine what would be of US had they intervened? Can you imagine what would be of US had Jesus not died for our sins? Where would we be? How would our relationship with GOD be? Would we still need the “Holy of Holies” to speak to GOD?

The things that happened to Jesus happened because that was HIS destiny – HIS STORY. Because God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (JESUS), that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life.

A beautiful blessing came out of a trying time. The gift of Grace, Salvation and Everlasting Life came from that. No one knows the plans laid before them, other than GOD. No one knows what the future holds, other than GOD. But I can tell you that looking back I can see that the plans for me are beautiful. That he is preparing my heart, my family and my friends for the WORK OF GOD. He is preparing my life as a PROPHET and he is preparing me to speak to the NATIONS.

Take a look back at your life and give thanks for what was, what is and what will forever be: GOD and JESUS CHRIST. Thank HIM for speaking your name, thank HIM for knowing you before you were conceived, thank HIM for the plans he has written for you, thank HIM for the great work HE will do through you and in ALL THINGS THANK HIM. Remember JESUS died for YOUR SINS because HE WANTED TO not because HE HAD TO. Be thankful for that. This Easter season give thanks, praise and worship THE ONE that gave you LIFE and a chance to live FOREVER in HEAVEN.

Remember: You are who GOD says you are: HIS prophet to speak HIS WORD to THE NATIONS.

Use your story to spread the message of hope this Easter season and remember Be thankful for what you are going through and in the midst of trouble give thanks.

God Bless!!

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